Via San Polo, 152 - 25134 Brescia (BS) , Italia
Tel +39 030.23911
Fax +39 030.2391384
Cap. Soc. € 50.000.000 i.vv R.E.A. 224470
P. IVA 00988040176
Stradale Passo Cavaliere, 1/A - 95121 Catania (CT), Italia
Tel +39 095.7487811
Fax +39 095.291110
Cap. Soc. € 24.960.000 i.vv R.E.A. 239012
P. IVA 03490290875
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The Alfa Acciai Group Welfare platform
During 2022 a company welfare platform was launched in some of the Group companies, which was created since the outset with a focus on the integration of dedicated services that respond to the needs of employees.
Age, lifestyle and family needs are useful indicators, because they determine personal life experiences and hence guide towards the use of specific services, and the company has focused on these very aspects by promoting the increased affordability and range of services that the welfare platform makes available.
The opportunities on offer were made available via a technological platform containing a basket of services and community benefit initiatives that can be accessed directly and easily.
Welfare is an element within the company-employee relationship that deals with the private and personal issue of welfare the management of which entails strict compliance with government regulations and company's internal policies.
The conversion of performance incentives into welfare services is an increasingly popular means of promoting non-monetary use of the company incentives.
This is an important step forward for Alfa Acciai in the direction of a better, more effective and diversified management of performance incentives and bonuses, which helps developing a relationship of trust and belonging between the company and its employees.
The platform makes it possible to convert the performance incentives into goods and services of various kinds, including education, healthcare and a range of sports, cultural and leisure activities.
The benefit for employees is twofold: if converted, the entire amount of the bonus can be spent without being subject to contributions and taxation. Moreover, as a further incentive, in the case of total or even partial conversion of the bonus, the agreement provides for the recognition of an additional and increasing percentage (5 or 10%) of the sum.
Dedicated employee info-point
This desk offers support for any technical-operational needs or regulatory information the employee may require (e.g. parental leave), or to arrange interviews and meetings with the administration or management.
This has now become a key meeting point allowing a direct and efficient dialogue.
Mobility management and sustainability
With the aim of enhancing the Group's sustainable mobility, Alfa Acciai, Alfa Derivati and Acciaierie di Sicilia have created the position of Mobility Manager, explicitly dedicated "to the management of the mobility demand and the promotion of sustainable mobility within the employee's home-work commuting".
An in-depth evaluation of employees' habits regarding their daily choices to reach their place of work is carried out annually as part of a survey designed to analyse home-work journeys. This made it possible to identify several measures that could be applied to optimise the use of private vehicles and reduce traffic congestion.
Home-work commute plan for the San Polo site (Brescia)
The Home-Work Commute Plan (PSCL) is a plan developed by Alfa Acciai and Alfa Derivati to optimize employees' home-work journeys through the use of alternative forms of sustainable mobility capable of limiting the use of private vehicles and reducing road traffic, while encouraging the choice of public transport, car sharing among employees or the use of public bike-sharing services.
This plan takes into account the four axes of action and strategies of interest:
Among the most relevant measures are the creation of parking spaces for motorbikes and e-bikes, to encourage the use of alternative means of transport to private cars, participation in the European Mobility Week held every September, the agreement with Brescia Mobilità for Local Public Transport, and the downsizing and gradual electrification of the company vehicle fleet.
Right in front of the entrance to the Alfa Acciai headquarters is the bike rental station BICIMIA for those who arrive in town by train, bus or metro and want to get around easily in a sustainable way (also with E-bikes).
Projects for the Youth
Alfa Academy
#Alfa People