this sums up Alfa Acciai, yesterday, today and tomorrow
Via San Polo, 152 - 25134 Brescia (BS) , Italia
Tel +39 030.23911
Fax +39 030.2391384
Cap. Soc. € 50.000.000 i.vv R.E.A. 224470
P. IVA 00988040176
Stradale Passo Cavaliere, 1/A - 95121 Catania (CT), Italia
Tel +39 095.7487811
Fax +39 095.291110
Cap. Soc. € 24.960.000 i.vv R.E.A. 239012
P. IVA 03490290875
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The Alfa Acciai Group has been among Europe’s main manufacturers of reinforcing steel and wire rod for 70 years and is a benchmark in terms of cutting-edge technology, mindful of the employees and with environmental awareness throughout the entire steel supply chain.
Controlled by the holding Siderurgica Investimenti, the Group has always been renowned for its industrial flexibility, utmost operational efficiency upstream and downstream of the melting process, and great financial and equity strength. Based on these assumptions, the Group has been able to respond readily and effectively to the constantly changing domestic and foreign steel market during its seventy years of operation.
Alfa Acciai group’s circular economy model
The Italian steel industry is a European benchmark in terms of sustainable circular economy: 80 per cent of steel is produced in decarbonised electric mini-mills and hence, as Alfa Acciai Group, we can claim to be leaders in Europe’s largest circular economy engine.
1.200 plus
2.5 mil
Overall production capacity 2.5 million tons of steel and rolled products/year
Focus on ethical corporate social responsibility principles, routine maintenance on installations and operations, caring and listening to stakeholders' requirements: these are the cornerstones on which the Alfa Acciai Group has grown and developed by working in the steel industry for seventy years with standards of excellence.
Group companies
Our strengths