Alfa Acciai Group’s artificial aggregates: new video and catalogue
Innovation and Sustainability
Year after year, we enhance our environmental performance through innovative solutions. ALFA SINSTONE®, GRIPSTONE® and SICILYSTONE are the results of this approach, starting with Alfa Sinstone® back in 2008. These high-performance artificial aggregates are by-products obtained from the valorization of black steel mill slag generated during the melting process of scrap metal. Born from continuous research into new materials and technologies to improve products and preserve natural resources, they are suitable for various applications in building construction, road surfacing and civil engineering works.
Application Range and Certifications
• ALFA SINSTONE® and GRIPSTONE®: mainly used for draining and levelling layers, or as aggregates for cement and bituminous conglomerates.
• SICILYSTONE: ideal for bituminous and cement conglomerates, as well as for civil engineering and road construction works.
These materials are produced using cutting-edge techniques that ensure maximum quality and superior technical performance compared to natural materials. Our aggregates are CE 2+ marked and boast important certifications, including the EPD and comply with the following European standards depending on the different grain sizes:
• UNI 12620 - Aggregates for concrete;
• UNI 13043 - Aggregates for bituminous conglomerates;
• UNI 13139 - Aggregates for mortar;
• UNI 13242 - Aggregates for unbound and hydraulically bound materials for use in civil engineering works and road construction.
A New Approach to Circularity
Our by-products replace natural materials such as quarry aggregates and basalts and embody our Zero Waste philosophy. We go beyond the classic circularity of steel by valorizing residues generated from production processes. This allows us to reduce environmental impact and preserve non-renewable natural resources.
Learn More
We invite you to watch our new video and explore the catalogue and technical data sheets of our artificial aggregates on our new website Here, you can discover how we are building a sustainable future, powered by a 70-year-long production history based on a circular economy model. Our commitment to the environment is daily and rigorous, as demonstrated by the environmental certifications we proudly hold.
Via San Polo, 152 - 25134 Brescia (BS) , Italia
Tel +39 030.23911
Fax +39 030.2391384
Cap. Soc. € 50.000.000 i.vv R.E.A. 224470
P. IVA 00988040176
Stradale Passo Cavaliere, 1/A - 95121 Catania (CT), Italia
Tel +39 095.7487811
Fax +39 095.291110
Cap. Soc. € 24.960.000 i.vv R.E.A. 239012
P. IVA 03490290875
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