Via San Polo, 152 - 25134 Brescia (BS) , Italia
Tel +39 030.23911
Fax +39 030.2391384
Cap. Soc. € 50.000.000 i.vv R.E.A. 224470
P. IVA 00988040176
Stradale Passo Cavaliere, 1/A - 95121 Catania (CT), Italia
Tel +39 095.7487811
Fax +39 095.291110
Cap. Soc. € 24.960.000 i.vv R.E.A. 239012
P. IVA 03490290875
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Integrated Environmental Authorisation (IEA)
IEA is the measure granting the operation of a plant or part of it under certain conditions that must ensure compliance with the requirements set out in Part Two of Legislative Decree no. 152 of 3 April 2006, as last amended by legislative decree no. 46 of 4 April 2014, implementing Directive 2010/EU on industrial emissions (Pollution Prevention and Minimisation).
The IEA therefore supersedes, to all effects, all other prior approvals, clearances, opinions or authorisations in the environmental field specified below, namely the following in the steelmaking setting:
Alfa Acciai and Acciaierie di Sicilia hold the “industrial and waste management” IEA that covers, among other things:
The IEA also requires the gradual adoption of BAT (Best Available Techniques), i.e. the best technical plant, management and monitoring solutions to be applied in the design, management, maintenance and decommissioning of industrial processes, in order to achieve a high level of protection of the environment as a whole and to prevent, reduce and, as far as possible, eliminate pollution (emissions into the air, water, soil, as well as the production of waste) by intervening at source.
All this is to ensure the prudent management of natural resources, pushing processes towards ever higher efficiency levels.
Alfa Acciai and Acciaierie di Sicilia are committed on an ongoing basis to the application of Best Available Techniques (BAT), the aim being to achieve the highest possible level of environmental protection.