Via San Polo, 152 - 25134 Brescia (BS) , Italia
Tel +39 030.23911
Fax +39 030.2391384
Cap. Soc. € 50.000.000 i.vv R.E.A. 224470
P. IVA 00988040176
Stradale Passo Cavaliere, 1/A - 95121 Catania (CT), Italia
Tel +39 095.7487811
Fax +39 095.291110
Cap. Soc. € 24.960.000 i.vv R.E.A. 239012
P. IVA 03490290875
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UNI EN ISO 14001
Environmental Management System
Alfa Acciai and Acciaierie di Sicilia continually strive for the best available techniques, and are committed to pursuing an ongoing policy to improve environmental performance, minimising the negative impact of their operations on the environment where technically possible and economically sustainable.
Alfa Acciai and Acciaierie di Sicilia have adopted environmental management systems as a tool for all stakeholders which ensures that respect for the environment is pursued and achieved, and through these management systems are committed to:
In particular, the system is characterised by interaction between environmental requirements and production processes, with the precise aim of identifying environmental aspects, assessing impact regarding activities, and controlling their effect in terms of:
These objectives underpin the Environmental Policy and are transformed into concrete plans and targets that can be measured and monitored regularly.
Alfa Acciai has been certified since May 2005 and Acciaieria di Sicilia since February 2004.
UNI EN ISO 14064-01
Corporate Carbon Footprint
Untiringly striving for the best available technologies, Alfa Acciai and Acciaierie di Sicilia are committed to pursuing a policy of continuous improvement of their environmental performance, minimising, where technically possible and economically sustainable, any negative impact of their activities on the environment.
In 2023, the Alfa Acciai Group obtained the CCF certification for all its production facilities and is now among one the Italian companies obtaining it.
Corporate Carbon Footprint is a method for measuring and reporting greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions caused directly and indirectly by an organisation. It is expressed in tonnes of CO2 equivalent.
It provides the starting point for the Group to define an intervention plan with the objective of improving/mitigating its GHG emissions through specific measures and investments.
UNI EN ISO 50001
Energy Management System
Alfa Acciai and Acciaierie di Sicilia are certified ISO 50001, the Energy Management System which aims to facilitate the process of identifying, recording and evaluating energy results and is the best tool for managing and implementing corporate Energy Policy.
Alfa Acciai’s strategic priority is the ongoing improvement of performance, including energy output, through the implementation of energy efficiency measures in production processes and related ancillary services so as to reduce the impact on the Environment.
All thanks to:
Sustainable steel
Alfa Acciai and Acciaierie di Sicilia are among the first companies to be awarded the SustSteel (sustainable steel) certification, which was established at European level by EUROFER (European Steel Association) with a view to promoting its members’ legitimate interests in the construction steel industry as part of corporate sustainability and social responsibility.
UNI/PdR 88:2020 according to UNI CEI EN ISO/IEC 17067
Recycled material content
UNI EN ISO 14025
Environmental Product Declaration
EPD Hot-rolled in wire rod
Relating to hot-rolled product, namely steel wire rod for drawing.
EPD Hot-rolled reinforcing steel for concrete in bars and coils
Relating to building products, namely reinforcing steel for concrete in bars and coils (spooled coil).
EPD Cold-rolled reinforcing steel and electrowelded mesh
Relating to such products as: welded mesh and recoiled wire (reinforcing steel in coils, hot rolled and cold stretched to enhance mechanical properties).
EPD Alfa Sinstone® and Gripstone® industrial aggregates
Relating to the artificial aggregates of industrial origin Alfa Sinstone® and Gripstone®, which are byproducts obtained from the processing of black slag resulting from the electric arc furnace.
The measure of product-associated environmental performance
The ICMQ ECO sustainability label certifies the performance characteristics of products together with features that meet the principles of environmental sustainability i.e. environmental protection, resource conservation and energy saving, as far as reinforcing steel for concrete is concerned. The prerequisites for obtaining the label are compliance with environmental regulations, validation of the environmental product declaration (EPD), and the certification of management systems for quality, environment and safety (EN ISO 9001, EN ISO 14001, EN ISO 45001).