Impartiality, our value. Equity, our strength.
Via San Polo, 152 - 25134 Brescia (BS) , Italia
Tel +39 030.23911
Fax +39 030.2391384
Cap. Soc. € 50.000.000 i.vv R.E.A. 224470
P. IVA 00988040176
Stradale Passo Cavaliere, 1/A - 95121 Catania (CT), Italia
Tel +39 095.7487811
Fax +39 095.291110
Cap. Soc. € 24.960.000 i.vv R.E.A. 239012
P. IVA 03490290875
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Inclusion is an essential component of people’s well-being and social sustainability is a process through which we ensure fairness and equal opportunities for all, regardless of their background, disabilities, or sexual orientation. Through inclusion, Alfa Acciai becomes stronger and more resilient.
Fostering cohesion, reducing conflicts and strengthening bonds among people from diverse backgrounds not only enriches the workplace with new ideas and skills, but also enriches us as individuals.
Alfa Acciai promotes an inclusive work environment based on fairness and respect. The company is committed to ensuring equal opportunities and combating all forms of discrimination, integrating these principles into all its processes.
Inclusion is not just a value but an ongoing journey, undertaken with responsibility and a commitment to building an increasingly fair and sustainable future for everyone.
This page is dedicated to sharing Alfa Acciai’s journey in making the principles of inclusion, social sustainability and equal opportunities ever more concrete. Here, we will publish updates on initiatives, actions and projects that the company supports and implements through collaborations with foundations, local communities and institutions.
A commitment made of daily actions and long-term projects to create a positive and inclusive environment.
A New Chapter of #AlfaPeople Dedicated to Women
Inclusion translates into concrete actions. That’s why Alfa Acciai has launched a new branch of the #AlfaPeople series, dedicated to women. The initiative was introduced on the Alfa Acciai Group’s LinkedIn page by HR colleagues Camilla and Marco, who work daily to promote corporate policies focused on gender equality and equal opportunities.
This initiative aims to give voice to the women who contribute their talent and determination to the success of our company every day, sharing authentic stories from some of our colleagues.
Projects for the Youth
Alfa Academy
#Alfa People