Organizational Carbon Footprint: all the companies of the Group are now certified
The Alfa Acciai Group obtained the Organizational Carbon Footprint Certification for the nine production sites of all the Group companies.
Five companies, nine production sites and a vertical organization in the supply chain, from the steel production to its applications in the fields of construction and wire drawing and galvanizing. This is Alfa Acciai Group at a glance: a company built on verticalization, widespread market presence and proximity to the customer.
These are also the key traits of the Report issued along with the Organization Carbon Footprint Certification obtained for 2022, in compliance with the ISO 14064-1:2018. The reporting scope included not only the parent company, Alfa Acciai S.p.A., but also all the subsidiaries, Acciaierie di Sicilia S.p.A., Alfa Derivati S.r.l., Ferro Berica S.r.l., Tecnofil S.p.A: 9 productions site overall, spread out all over the national territory.
The certification and the path that led to it involve an Organization GHG inventory consisting in identifying and recording not only all the direct emissions related to the production, but also the indirect ones, which are related to electricity and logistics, to the products and services used by the company, to the use of the products sold by the Group and to other relevant sources.
After this preliminary step that allowed to identify the categories and assess the relevant emissions, data is gathered in and analyzed to identify improvement strategies.
“The study and the certification are a starting point to define and implement a strategy for the mitigation of GHG emissions, which are directly or indirectly linked to the global warming. This is the proof of the commitment made by both the parent company and the subsidiaries to cut their impacts and respect the international agreements on climate and reduction of greenhouse gas emissions” commented Matteo Fenotti, Head of Environment Department in Alfa Acciai.
Via San Polo, 152 - 25134 Brescia (BS) , Italia
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Cap. Soc. € 50.000.000 i.vv R.E.A. 224470
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Tel +39 095.7487811
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